Authentic Hand Cleaning Prices
As you know, we always give you FREE pick-up & delivery, which other companies charge around $40 to do..but how much is it for the rug to actually get cleaned, you ask?
Well, it's not as simple as one might think....Every rug has a unique situation behind it. Not only is your rug from a different part of the world than the last rug we cleaned, it was most likely made from different materials and it is time to be cleaned for a number different reasons unique to your environment. No matter your rug, rhyme or reason, you will always have the pricing package options available below. After our intial inpection, you will be able to select the right solution that fits your budget:
Your situation might not be as big of a deal as you may think, we may be able to provide you a quick solution for a lot less than you thought...we just need to find out a little bit more information about your situation and tailor your cleaning and associated price to your needs. Cost effectiveness is always the number one priority in everything that we do.